- Lafarge is seeking fill operations approvals for their aggregate pit at 14204 Regional Road 30.
- The total volume of fill expected is roughly 8 million square meters, requiring ~800,000 dump truck loads to complete.
- With a 2033 project horizon, 500-1000 daily truckloads will enter the site from York Durham Line between 6am and 5pm.
- While public agency concerns have been addressed, the Town has noted traffic, dust, noise, air quality, and ground water impacts as key concerns.
- “With the increased truck traffic this application will bring, dedicated left turn lanes in all directions or a round about [at York Durham and Bloomington/47] must be addressed,” Mayor Lovatt commented.
- While a left turn lane into the site from York Durham Line is planned, additional turn lanes at York Durham Line and Bloomington/Highway 47 are being considered.
- Wells will be utilized to monitor for ground water impacts as filling activities progress.
- Residents can have their views heard at a public meeting presenting the application at 7pm, March 29, in Council Chambers at 111 Sandiford Drive.