• Described as a fun and inclusive women’s choir, Voices Alive Stouffville will perform a charity concert on May 31 in support of the Whitchurch-Stouffville Food Bank.
  • Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for the 7 p.m. event, which is hosted by St. James Presbyterian Church at 6432 Main Street.
  • Admission is by cash donations at the door, and there will be a bake sale during intermission. All net proceeds will support Stouffville’s Food Bank.
  • “We dress up and sing great songs, some you know and some you may not know,” Director Mary Bennet told Bullet Point News. “And we look forward to supporting a great cause.”
  • Bennet is a singer and songwriter who began directing the Stouffville and Newmarket Voices Alive chapters in 2019.
  • Now out of the pandemic, the group has resumed live performances. They recently sang for residents of Stouffville Creek and Eastern Gate.
  • “It’s just a great way of giving back to the community,” Bennet says.
  • Voices Alive Stouffville practices Wednesday evenings from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at St. James Presbyterian Church. Their spring session ends June 14.
  • The group is open to all; no experience is needed to join and there are no auditions.
  • For inquiries regarding joining or booking the choir for an event, email Mary Bennet.

Voices Alive Stouffville