Susan Tucker, resident of Stouffville for 30 years, monthly contributor of OTR, President of the Stouffville Bulletin, shares her reflections on Remembrance Day

Click here or on the image below to watch Susan Tucker speak about her Remembrance Day reflections

Susan Tucker Stouffville

  • Keep the memory alive of why we have what we have – freedom and democracy.
  • Last November, the week after Remembrance Day, Susan put a call out for 2000 poppies. Now they have over 5,600 poppies on the clock tower thanks to 50 to 60 volunteers who have been knitting and crocheting poppies all winter.
  • The clock tower display gives people a way to express their feelings. Putting a poppy on the display is a way for them to contribute.
  • The young men who fought in the war were tougher than us but they had no choice to grow up quickly and be tough
  • Soldiers who returned from the war could not speak about the horrors because those who were at home could not understand what they went through, which is why the Legion was so important so they could share their thoughts with those who truly understood what war was.
  • The sentiments we should have towards war veterans: gratitude, pride, respect.
  • Attend the Remembrance Day services every year. Our soldiers were in trenches that were full of disease and rats. We can stand in the cold and rain to show our gratitude and honour for their sacrifice.