• Stouffville Soccer Club’s U14 Mustangs were back in winning form in their match versus Kleinburg Nobleton Soccer Club last Thursday.
  • Kleinburg scored in the opening minutes, but Stouffville quickly struck back with Max Castillo scoring off a rebound from Cristian Stroescu’s free kick.
  • The Mustangs dropped down 1-2 at the half following a second goal by Kleinburg.
  • “After scoring their first goal…they took their eyes off the prize. At the half, as the team was walking off the field with their heads down, I approached them and said, ‘You guys need to go and have a team meeting and figure it out,’” Assistant Coach Fadi Blaney told Bullet Point News. “Sometimes…players need to figure it out by themselves. I guess that worked because it was a totally different game in the second half.”
  • The Mustangs began their second-half take-over with team captain Karthick Thushanthan netting a free kick.
  • Goalkeeper Jalen Banks got in on the action as well, sneaking one in off a drop kick that rolled past Kleinburg’s goalie.
  • Soon after, George Kokinias delivered the Mustangs’ fourth goal with a rebound shot off Kleinburg’s keeper following a shot from Castillo.
  • Finally, Thushanthan sealed the team’s win with a free kick into the upper left of the net.
  • “This team has been working so hard, and they are better than what their record indicates,” Blaney said. “After Tuesdays loss, the team was determined to come out strong.”
  • The group improved their record to three and four (3-4) and hope to break even in their match against Thornhill this Thursday.