• Over 700 people attended Stouffville’s first National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration on Thursday, June 22nd.
  • Thursday’s event brought the Stouffville community together, fostering an atmosphere of learning and active participation in Indigenous traditions.
  • The celebration was hosted by the Indigenous Action Committee (IAC) in Memorial Park and featured Indigenous music, culture, and crafts.
  • The IAC is a not-for-profit organization that aims to provide cultural activities, programs, events, and workshops across York Region. The IAC’s efforts aim to connect the Indigenous community with their allies.
  • The occasion commenced with a smudging ceremony where every individual present was invited to participate. Purifying smoke of white sage was gently wafted around participants to cleanse their body, mind, and spirit.
  • Volunteers kept a sacred fire burning for guests to make wishes and prayers. The smoke of red cedar (Kishki) and tobacco (Sema) serves as a pathway to the spirit world, carrying thoughts and prayers to the Creator.
  • Vendors were on site, and London, Ontario’s NDN Taco provided complimentary frybread tacos topped with beef chilli, lettuce, cheese, tomato, sour cream, and strawberry juice.
  • Big Spirit played the big drum, symbolizing the heart of Mother Earth, while children danced.
  • The dancers studied Powwow dances on YouTube and were excited to share their dancing and beautiful ribbon and jingle dresses at the event.