• In this edition of Mental Health Spotlight, Sue Morrison, a certified addiction and mental health counsellor based in Stouffville, delves into the topic of post-pandemic anxiety and loneliness.
  • While mental health concerns were top of mind throughout the pandemic, people continue to face related challenges today.
  • “No one is really addressing mental health after the pandemic,” explains Sue Morrison. “Anxiety, depression, and loneliness are at their highest levels since early pandemic.”
  • Following a traumatic event, individuals become increasingly aware of its impact, which uniquely affects each person. Morrison likens this experience to a hangover effect, emphasizing that such traumas can leave enduring scars.
  • “We need to try to find a way to acknowledge it, get it out, and deal with it rather than just repress it to feel like it’s not there,” she says. “Because these wounds inside of us stay with us.”
  • Reconnecting with communities and pushing oneself to engage in social interactions can provide relief. However, Morrison highlights the importance of seeking professional assistance for those grappling with severe challenges.
  • “It’s important to talk to someone who unconditionally accepts you, is non-judgmental, and has the skills to help you work through it,” Morrison detailed. “There are resources, there are coping skills, there are things that we can do [to help].”
  • Whether reaching out to individuals within their personal support network or seeking the guidance of a professional, taking steps to confront these mental health struggles can significantly alleviate feelings of isolation.
  • “I think a lot of times we feel like there’s something wrong with us and we’re the only one that feels this way, but that’s just not true,” she added.
  • Sue Morrison practices at White Brick Therapy here in Stouffville. Her expertise and guidance contribute to a healthier, more supportive community for those navigating the complex landscape of mental health.
  • If you have any mental health topics you would like to see covered in future editions of our Mental Health Spotlight, please let us know via email.