Presentations were provided by Town Staff and applicants. Related Staff reports and slide decks are available here, and both their and applicants’ presentations can be seen via the webcast.
Dave Nicoll, a founder of the Stouffville Village Ratepayers group, was the first of many local residents speaking against the 6461-6487 Main Street townhouse proposal.
Leading concerns regarding the development were related to building height, built form, rooftop patios, and a proposed communal garbage facility at the rear of the site.
Even Goodwood residents participated in the meeting, expressing traffic, environmental, and ground water concerns stemming from the added fill and increased truck traffic their community would face due to Lafarge’s fill proposal.
Mayor Lovatt said this was one of just three public meetings he’s participated in with filled Council Chambers through his nine year tenure.
“For far too long, we have heard it said that Stouffville residents don’t turn out and give input to these public meetings. Obviously tonight shows different,” speaker Brian Phillips proclaimed.
Applicants were present to hear residents speak, and Staff will compile comments made at the meeting for inclusion in future reports to Council as related approval processes progress.