• In a captivating home match played under the lights at Bethesda Sports Fields on August 10, Stouffville’s U14 soccer team showcased their prowess once again with a victory against the Newmarket Soccer Club.
  • Karthick Thushanthan got off to a lightning-quick start, securing the team’s opening goal and setting the tone for the match.
  • Max Castillo converted the team’s second goal, capitalizing on a precision pass delivered by George Kokinias.
  • Strong defense from teammates Nicholas Blaney and Cristian Stroescu, along with a stellar performance from goalkeeper Jalen Banks, saw the Mustangs ahead 2-0 at the start of the second half.
  • With only 10 minutes remaining on the clock, the talented Newmarket side intensified their offensive efforts, managing to breach the Mustangs’ defence and reduce the deficit with a well-earned goal.
  • Undeterred, Stouffville’s resilience came to the forefront thanks to Levi Scott, whose late goal reestablished the Mustangs’ commanding lead and set the score at 3-1.
  • The team erupted in celebrations, fully aware that their hard-fought victory was just moments away.
  • “We all knew that we’d need to be defensively strong until the final whistle, but it was nice to be a part of securing the win,” Scott said while reflecting on the game’s conclusion.
  • The Mustangs are gearing up for the upcoming Thornhill Challenge Cup as they draw closer to the 2023 season’s conclusion within a competitive York Region circuit.