- The rain did not stop the residents of Stouffville from enjoying the kickoff of the Town’s summer events season with fireworks presented by the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville.
- The rain tapered off just as the fireworks started.
- Hosted on Friday in Memorial Park for the first long weekend of the summer, in previous years the event was hosted in Ballantrae.
- Residents arrived early to a packed Memorial Park with umbrellas and lawn chairs to watch the entertainment on the covered stage, and lined up for face painting.
- Entertainment included music, a Bubble Show and a Glow Show.
- Guests could purchase snacks from a limited number of vendors and a food truck, while light-up toys were for sale at every point of entry.
- Many residents stayed dry by watching the fireworks display in their vehicles but that contributed towards long traffic delays along Main Street and Hoover Park Drive. Nevertheless, resident Kemayla Fleming said, “It really was fun and spirits were high.”
A Soggy But Radiant Start for Whitchurch-Stouffville’s Summer Events Series