• Stouffville resident Glee Dango is a successful actor, voice over artist, singer, dancer, model and brand ambassador currently staring in “Popularity Papers” on YTV.
  • “[The cast and crew] were all so supportive and really open to my input,” Dango said of her experience on set. “We definitely created a family…a community.”
  • Dango says the hardest thing about acting is managing her time and other commitments such as school. “It’s all really hard to balance…but it’s worth it when you get to see your work come together.”
  • She praised her parents for helping her navigate those challenges, especially her mother who does most of her managing.
  • “My mom and my dad have always supported me…no matter how crazy my schedule has been,” Dango said.
  • Her hard work and success recently brought Dango to the White House with PBS Kids: “[That was] pretty incredible,” she noted, saying it was a lot of fun being within ten feet of President Joe Biden.
  • “If you love to do something, you should do it with the people who care and support you,” Dango advised. “If you surround yourself with that many passionate people that inspire and motivate you…there’s nothing you can’t achieve.”
  • “Who thought that a 12 year old from Stouffville would get to be on YTV? That’s pretty incredible, if you ask me.”
  • Stouffville residents can watch Dango perform on “Popularity Papers” Monday nights at 6pm on YTV.


Watch Glee Dango’s interview by clicking on the image below