Sher Ahmad

Mayoral Candidate

What does a Mayor do for the people of Stouffville?
It is my belief that a Mayor guides the residents into an unknown and uncertain future with vision, leadership and confidence. Within any community, specifically a community that is as rapidly expanding as Stouffville, strong, reliable and trustworthy leadership is required.

Why would you be good at this job?
I would excel in the position of Mayor because I have witnessed, first hand, the many struggles that human beings can encounter. Specifically when they are newcomers to Canada. I am able to empathize with the many needs of our very diverse demographic of residents and am able to guide and assist them to solve the many daily challenges and struggles that so many are experiencing.

What issues are you concerned about?
My concerns are related to such rapid growth, lack of facilities and services to satisfy the needs for such rates of growth, and ensuring the safety of our residents and ensuring that I delegate municipal funds to much needed recreational facilities for our youth, such as a cricket pitch. I also believe that we should construct a municipal greenhouse that can be operated by volunteers and classes of elementary children to produce enough fresh produce to satisfy all of the needs of our local food bank.

Why should the people of Stouffville share your concerns?
The residents need not “share” my concerns, they have already expressed to me that these are THEIR concerns. As such, they become my concerns. It will be my mandate as the Mayor to listen to all of the concerns of residents and try to address them in a timely and responsible manner.

Describe what a successful term with you as Mayor would accomplish?
My goal would be to accomplish a reasonable and balanced budget. I would do this by encouraging and inviting significant industrial and business growth, particularly in the more underpopulated areas of Gormley and the 404 corridor. The tax base for business is far greater than the tax base for residential property and so by encouraging new commercial and industrial residents to Stouffville this would greatly reduce the burden of municipal taxes on the residents and put them more on the prosperous and wealthy business owners.

I will successfully oversee and manage residential growth that is already approved and slated to happen during my term, I will increase recreational facilities in town and I will ensure that there are adequate services and compassionate care for our elderly residents and seniors.