• Council approved the Town’s Housing Action Plan in support of its grant application for Federal Housing Accelerator Fund support. The grant could deliver over $5.5 million in capital funding if approved.
  • An updated Development Charge Background Study was received and made available for public comment. A public meeting regarding the Town’s Development Charges By-Law will be held on November 8, and Council is expected to pass the new By-Law on December 6. It would go into effect on January 1, 2024.
  • While legislative changes from the province, notably Bill 23, will reduce the amount of Development Charges (DCs) the Town can collect, the draft By-Law would increase residential DCs by 31% to $41,419 per unit and raise non-residential DCs by 13% to $10.29 per square foot.
  • The Development Charge Background Study considers nearly $400 million in capital projects funded by DCs needed to support growth through 2041.
  • Increases to parking fees in municipal lots were also approved for 2024, bringing them more in-line with other municipalities:
    • A one-day parking permit will cost $10, up from $5.17
    • A one-week parking permit will cost $35, up from $15.50
    • A one-month parking permit will cost $80, up from $33
  • Cemetery-related fees have also been increased, which can be seen in the 2024 Proposed Fees for Corporate Services report.
  • Stouffville will extend its contract with Principles Integrity, who provide Integrity Commissioner services to the Town.
  • Council approved a Staff recommendation to rescind the Chain of Office Procedures, which would allow for the removal of the Chain of Office display at the Town’s Municipal Offices. It will still be available upon request by the Mayor.
  • A new multi-level fine system will be added to Stouffville’s Noise By-Law. The change will elevate fines for repeat offenders: $500 for a first offence, $750 for a second offence, and $1,000 for a third offence.
  • Staff will also conduct a general review of the Noise By-Law in search of additional means of mitigating noise violations throughout Stouffville.
  • Finally, Council endorsed a new Service Excellence Assessment Framework aimed at improving customer services and building internal resources to better inform Staff and Council regarding the performance of Town services. Staff will begin preparation of a plan for future implementation of the Framework’s recommendations.