• Stouffville’s U14 Mustangs faced off against Vaughan, arguably the best team in the York Region league, in a thrilling match last Thursday night at the Bethesda Sports Fields.
  • A physical battle ensued from the start, with both teams sharing possession of the ball through the first 25 minutes.
  • Impressive defending from Antonin Wong, Christian Stroescu, Levi Scott, William Hristov, and Kayle Roth kept Vaughan at bay, until a 30-yard screaming shot flew past goalie Jalen Banks to give Vaughan the lead.
  • Coaches Shaun Henson and Fadi Blaney had a simple game plan: focus on defence, win midfield battles to stay competitive, and keep the score down at half-time to facilitate a second-half offensive.
  • The Mustangs delivered, with Captain Karthick Thushanthan scoring an equalizing goal early in the second half.
  • With the score at 1-1, the Mustangs’ midfield remained resilient thanks to impressive performances from George Kokinias and Christian Munoz.
  • A team effort, assisted by Christos Kiamos, Daniel Ijeh, Landyn Huetl, and Nico Blaney, saw Stouffville pushing the ball upfield to relieve pressure imposed by a relentless Vaughan squad.
  • The frustrated Vaughan group continued to fight for a winner, but Stouffville’s focus and resilience led to a 1-1 draw.
  • The Mustangs coaches thanked parents for their unwavering support and praised the hard work of their players: “We are very proud for the progression and hard work shown by the team. The character and togetherness that’s needed for that type of result against a top team is evident.”
  • The result keeps Stouffville in the hunt for an impressive 3rd place finish this season, with the Mustangs eagerly anticipating their final four games.