• Stouffville has formally announced plans to locate a new daycare facility within the Clippers Sports Complex property on Weldon Road.
  • The Town is currently investigating the northwest end of the parking lot as a potential site.
  • The five-year-old modular building is being relocated to Stouffville from a development site in Mississauga.
  • 82 new daycare spots are expected to be delivered through the project, helping to address the increasing need for local daycare services.
  • Installation is expected to begin this summer.


According to Town spokesperson Glenn Jackson, the modular structure will be similar to school portable systems. A Request for Proposals (RFP) will be issued to select an appropriate third-party daycare operator.

“This initiative is part of Stouffville’s ongoing commitment to enhance the quality of life for our residents,” a Town press release explained. “The new daycare facility will provide high-quality care and early childhood education, helping to meet the growing demand for childcare in the area.”

Hints about the project have come from Mayor Lovatt in recent weeks, who noted how beneficial the additional spots will be for local parents struggling to find daycare services.

“All of Council is excited about this opportunity,” Lovatt said. “[It] not only addresses our urgent need for more childcare options, but also promises to enhance our town’s financial health through sustained revenue.”