• The York Region District School Board (YRDSB) is currently seeking new members for its Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Advisory Committee (PEAC).
  • PEAC’s mandate is to support, encourage, and enhance parent engagement at the Board level to improve student achievement and well-being.
  • YRDSB accepts new PEAC applications annually, and this year’s submission deadline is June 12.
  • To apply, parents and guardians can submit an online form stating their interest. Paper forms can be obtained through an email request or by calling 905-727-0022, extension #3650.
  • One Community Member At-Large, a non-parent/guardian who isn’t employed by the YRDSB, can also sit on the Committee.
  • The Board will host a virtual Membership Application Information Session on May 29 from 7 – 8 p.m., which can be accessed here.
  • Selected candidates will be notified in October, with the first meeting for newly approved members being held on December 5.
  • PEAC members are expected to attend a minimum of five meetings per year. More information is available here.