- GO buses will service much of the Stouffville GO line this weekend, as train service will be suspended to facilitate track work along the corridor.
- Those GO buses will be accessible at Old Elm, Stouffville, Mount Joy, Markham, Centennial, Unionville, and Union stations with varying levels of service.
- Riders seeking access to Milliken, Agincourt, and Kennedy stations will need to utilize alternative means of transit, as these stations will be closed during the service change.
- Some buses will service all active stations, while others will run express service to Union.
- Schedules and connection times have changed for the weekend, as well. With some bus trips running at least 15 minutes earlier than typical train departure times, Metrolinx has advised customers to use gotransit.com or triplinx.ca to plan their trips in advance.
- The replacement bus service will facilitate track maintenance projects between the Agincourt and Milliken GO stations, work on infrastructure upgrades related to Stouffville GO Expansion, and efforts at Union Station for a track shift in the Don Yard as part of the Ontario Line project.
- Regular train service will resume on Monday, December 11.