Currently under construction on Ninth Line, YCDSB’s Multi-Use Facility will house Blessed Chiara Bandano CES, St. Katharine Drexel CHS, French Immersion programming, and childcare settings.
The schools were set to open September, 2023, however construction delays have shifted opening to early 2024.
YCDSB hosted a well attended public meeting on April 17 for future students of Blessed Chiara Bandano CES and their families.
Most at issue was a contingency plan that places future students of the new Multi-Use Facility in temporary portable classrooms at St. Brendan and St. Mark until construction is complete.
Parents expressed frustration with the repeated delays and the proposed transition to portables, saying they were “blindsided” given a “lack of transparency” surrounding the plan.
Following COVID-19 instabilities and uncertain timelines, some parents wanting a smooth transition for their children wondered why they could not remain at their current schools until Blessed Chiara Badano is complete.
An info session for families of future St. Katharine Drexel CHS students will be held at St. Mark CES on Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.