Asim Sayed

York Region District School Board
Trustee Candidate

What does a School Board Trustee do for the people of Stouffville?
The trustees of the York Region District School Board are responsible for overseeing a thriving and progressive educational system which serves over 125,000 students in more than 200 schools.” (York Region District School Board)

Under the Education Act, trustees are mandated to:
* promote student achievement and well-being
* deliver effective and appropriate educational programs
* develop, maintain, and monitor effectiveness of Board policies
* develop, communicate and review annually a Multi-Year Plan
* monitor the performance of the Director of Education practice responsible stewardship of Board resources

A trustee’s responsibilities fall into several different areas, communicator with the public, policy maker and an advocate for quality education. (Source: York Regional District School Board)

Why would you be good at this job?
I am an Ontario Certified Mathematics and Computer Science Teacher, with over 10 years of experience in the classroom, and 8 years of Mathematics curriculum development and project management. Locally, I keep myself engaged with our schools, as Treasurer for the Parent Council, and as a treasurer for our community little league sports team.

As a teacher, curriculum developer, project manager, and most importantly, as a father, I have gained valuable experience in the public education system and have a strong vision of technology’s role in education to promote equal opportunities and student achievement.

What issues are you concerned about?
Concerns that I am prepared to advocate for are:
1. Investing more in mental health programs.  “Approximately one in five children and youth in Ontario have a mental health challenge and 70% of mental health challenges have their onset in childhood or youth.” ( There is a huge need for these programs especially as we recover from the pandemic.
2. Funding proposals that direct funds for special needs programs and services, and promoting Specialist High Skills Major programs within our community.
3. Emphasizing financial literacy, computer skills, and technological advances in our curriculum.
4. Ensure quality education focused on global competencies.
5. Promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion as integral values of our education system and essential building blocks of our society.

Why should the people of Stouffville share your concerns?
As a resident of Stouffville. I have observed the lack of transparency in resources dedicated to our public schools. Stouffville is growing in population and as a result needs resources invested into our educational system and infrastructure to match that growth.

I commit to working with my colleagues to ensure continuous improvement, accountability, and transparency.  I will represent and promote the best interests of all students of YRDSB when I communicate with families, educators, various levels of governments and the constituents of Whitchurch-Stouffville and Aurora. I will work with the other board trustees to ensure that the Director of Education hears our voice while implementing the policies of the board, and that local and federal politicians understand our local issues and needs by encouraging them to make education a top priority.

Describe what a successful term with you as School Board Trustee would accomplish?

  • A strong voice to the Whitchurch-Stouffville community.
  • Work with the team to ensure continuous improvement, accountability, and transparency using technology.
  • Foster and promote parent and local community engagement.
  • Advocate for quality and inclusive education which can ensure the improvement of the lives of our future generations.
  • True leadership in education with accountability, transparency, and effective policy development.
  • Open communication to establish confidence and trust of the people of Whitchurch-Stouffville.