• Council has approved the Staff-supported subdivision plans and zoning by-law amendments for a significant intensification project in the Cam Fella community.
  • Eleven estate homes along Cam Fella Boulevard and Mohawk Gate, representing a total of 8.35 acres, will be demolished and replaced with 24 detached homes and 117 townhouses.
  • The precedent-setting development faced fierce criticism from the local community and Stouffville Council Members during a Public Planning Meeting last September.
  • Frontdoor Developments’ now approved third submission offered some changes over the proposal presented during last year’s meeting, including:
    • The total number of dwellings proposed decreased by 11 units.
    • The total number of visitor parking spaces increased from 21 to 42.
    • The total amount of private amenity space increased from 584 to 827 square meters.
    • Townhouse rooftop terraces will face south to avoid looking into the Cam Fella neighbourhood.
  • Staff and Council members highlighted risks involved with a likely appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) had the development been deferred or denied.


Deputant Mark Luckett, Vice President of the Westfield Estates Ratepayers Association (WERA), appreciated some of the changes made since Frontdoor’s second application. However, he continued to take issue with the “crazy amount” of density now planned and asked why Frontdoor could not reduce the central townhouse blocks by an additional 10 total units.

In WERA’s view, the project remains well outside the existing character of the Cam Fella community, even with the most recent revisions. Secretary Hugh Wallis addressed this in a personal deputation to Council while quoting condemnation of the proposal presented by individual Councillors in September.

“It is inconceivable that Council would agree to proceed [with these approvals],” Wallis stated. “If you approve this, it will be on the record and you will forever have to live with approving an application that you have described in such strong, negative words. Would that really be a true, faithful, and responsible representation of the opinions of those who you represent?”

Under the threat of appeal to the OLT, Council supported the plans in a 4-2 vote. Councillors Sherban and Acton voted in opposition after mentioning continued concern with the proposed density and a need for greater compromise with the local community. Mayor Lovatt again declared a conflict and recused himself due to living in close proximity to the development area.

The OLT is a provincial body that adjudicates contested matters related to land use planning and can grant approvals that differ from municipal direction. Had Council decided to defer their decision or deny the proposal, Frontdoor could have seen an opportunity to appeal due to concluding Provincially-mandated approval timelines.

“I personally believe it is in the Town’s best interests to have development approvals in the hands of this Council and not the OLT,” Commissioner of Development Services Dwayne Tapp explained. “Where Council has made decisions and appeals have occurred, they have gone to the OLT and resulted in higher densities than what Council approved.”

Tapp also noted that the proposal is below height and density permissions supported through the Town’s Official Plan, adding to the risk of the OLT permitting more than what Council was considering.

Councillor Bartley highlighted the inability of Town Staff to defend Council’s position had they rejected the applications, as Staff had already expressed support for the project in their reports and recommendations: “If this gets turned down and it goes to the [OLT], which it will…we wouldn’t be sending any of our Staff there to fight against it.”

During the meeting, Councillor Sherban also focused on the precedent-setting nature of Council’s decision. She detailed how the project will serve as a role model for future infill development on similar single detached lots.

“This is large in nature compared to a lot that we have seen,” Sherban said. “That kind of worries me…whatever we agree to today is going to set a standard going forward.”