Under two separate applications, Frontdoor Developments Inc. has proposed a substantial density increase across 11 single-detached lots on both the east and west sides of Mohawk Gate.
Located at 268-296 and 316-386 Cam Fella Boulevard, the two proposals include 119 townhouses in 21 buildings and 32 single-detached houses—all three-storeys in height.
One row of townhouses would abut Main Street to the south, while a new private road to the north will separate them from another row of rear-lane townhouses. A row of detached homes to the north will face Cam Fella Boulevard.
The surrounding community has already been deemed deficient when it comes to public parkland. While a total of 584 square meters of private amenity space is proposed, the developer intends to provide cash in lieu of added public parkland.
The Town aims to create a suitable parkland block for the broader Cam Fella area but faces challenges due to the ongoing piecemeal development process. A study will be conducted to explore potential solutions.
Out of the 255 trees inventoried across the development area, 198 are set for removal under the developer’s plan. A tree replacement strategy will be implemented.
This project was included in the Town’s assessment showing 10,929 residential units already in Stouffville’s development pipeline.
A public information meeting presenting the proposals is scheduled for September 27 at 7 p.m. It will take place in Council Chambers.
Residents who wish to learn more or express their thoughts and concerns about the project can register to speak and have their input added to the public record.
We will present concerns from the local community in an upcoming piece.