The moving of Stouffville’s cenotaph and installation of a decommissioned tank in Memorial Park was approved. They will form a larger memorial space at the corner of Booth and Park Drives.
The three-hour parking limit and the 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. on-street parking restriction will be lifted, weather permitting, for the holidays. The exemptions will be in effect from December 22, 2023, to January 2, 2024.
Council decided to change its schedule, and all regular Council meetings will now begin at 1 p.m. Public Planning Meetings will continue to be held at 7 p.m.
Staff was authorized to enter into a two-year agreement with The Stouffville Market, establishing it through 2025. They also delegated authority to the Director of Leisure and Community Services to handle future Stouffville Market award agreements.
A report covering the Town’s Q3 financial results was received. Currently, Town operations show a favourable position of $114,700; however, the year-end forecast places the Town in the red with an unfavourable position of $401,600. Stouffville’s capital program has seen $13,609,387 in expenditures through September 30, and an additional $11.9 million is expected to be deployed by the end of the year.
Following a September request by James Spratley of Eco Lakes Homes, Council approved a reduced fee system for Minor Official Plan Amendment Applications in the Musselman’s Lake area. While facilitating area infill development, Staff believe the fee reduction will come with $56,629 in lost 2024 revenue.
An approved “use it or redistribute it” policy will require builders to continue progressing their development projects within a specified time frame after receiving approvals or risk losing their allocation of water and wastewater servicing capacity. That capacity could then be reallocated to other developments, helping to ensure Stouffville’s development progress is not stalled.
Council shifted responsibility for planning, facilitation, and sponsorship of Mayoral and Legacy Fund events from the Mayor’s Office to Leisure & Community Services Event Staff. Authority to enter and execute sponsorship agreements for those events was delegated to the Director of Leisure and Community Services.
YouSpoken’s Thivya Jeyapalan provided insights to Council following outcomes from their Bracelets of Hope event, the Stouffville Girl Guides and 1st Stouffville Pathfinders were presented with the Girl Guides’ Lady Baden-Powell Award and Pathfinders’ Citizenship Certificate, and Stouffville resident Tom Winters donated a piece of his artwork to the Town.
James Dick Construction Limited was awarded a $238,850, three-year contract for the supply and delivery of winter sand and a $45,560, three-year contract for the stacking and stockpiling of that sand. A two-year, $475,905 contract was also awarded to Rice Aggregates Limited for granular material used for backfilling excavations and road shouldering work.