Council narrowly approved Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments for FLATO’s somewhat controversial interim commercial development proposal at Highway 48 and Stouffville Road.
The 4-3 vote saw Mayor Lovatt and Councillors Kroon, Upton, and Smith in favour, with Councillors Acton, Bartley, and Sherban opposed. Bullet Point News will bring more from Council’s deliberations tomorrow.
A presentation was received covering the Strong Mayor Powers given to Stouffville’s Head of Council. They were granted following Mayor Lovatt’s submission of Stouffville’s housing pledge to Ontario’s Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
Strong Mayor Powers will come into effect on October 31, although Mayor Lovatt restated his commitment to not utilize them.
Stouffville will continue offering free admission for visitors of the Whitchurch-Stouffville Museum and formalized Museum Standards which will dictate future policies. The establishment of two new Museum endowment funds was also approved.
Under different scenarios, the analysis assessed possible stations for the Old Elm MTSA area on 10th Line, the Ringwood area at Stouffville and McCowan, the Gormley area at Stouffville and Warden, and the Vandorf area on Woodbine between Aurora and St. John’s Sideroad.
The Town received a land transfer from the TRCA to facilitate temporary sanitary servicing for Wyview Group’s Stouffville Meadows Development on Highway 48. Wyview Group will be responsible for all associated costs.