Stouffville GO trains will not offer service to or from Union Station on Saturday, October 14, Sunday, October 15, and Monday, October 16.
On Saturday, October 14, and Sunday, October 15, there will be two morning GO trains departing Old Elm and terminating at Kennedy GO. They are scheduled for 7:16 a.m. and 8:16 a.m.
On Monday, October 16, morning trains will leave Old Elm at 5:16 a.m., 6:16 a.m., 6:46 a.m., 7:16 a.m., 8:16 a.m. and 9:17 am., all ending service at Kennedy GO.
Metrolinx is recommending that riders allow extra time to use the TTC from Kennedy to Union, or utilize the Richmond Hill line for direct trips.
Metrolinx will be conducting essential maintenance and Stouffville GO Expansion work during this time, which cannot be done while trains are in operation.
They will also be making progress on a track shift in the Don Yard as part of the Ontario Line project.
As service interruptions may change, and for return trips, riders should use Triplinx or GO’s Trip Planner and check local service updates on these days prior to travelling.