• Following the success of the Water Watch Portal, Stouffville is readying a November launch for the new CityView online licensing and permitting portal.
  • “With CityView permits and inspections, the entire permit process, from initial application to certificate of occupancy or use, will be seamlessly digitized,” the Town has explained. “This shift promises heightened accuracy, consistency, and citizen satisfaction.”
  • The Town is promising a lineup of other online services, with details to come in the near future.
  • Stouffville is also initiating a five-year Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan that will look to improve residents’ interactions and experiences with the Town.
  • The IT Strategic Plan aims to harness the power of technology to enhance productivity, services, processes, and interactions between residents and staff, as explained on the Town’s website.
  • “We’re bidding farewell to outdated technology and paper-based systems, ushering in a new era of efficiency and convenience,” the Town has declared.
  • For residents who have suggestions on how digital and online technologies can enhance Town services, they are encouraged to submit their ideas through Stouffville’s online IT survey.
  • Community members can also provide their thoughts by emailing Becky Jamieson, Stouffville’s Director of Corporate Services.