• Council formally appointed members to the Accessibility Advisory Committee, Committee of Adjustment, and Heritage Advisory Committee for the new term.
  • The Appointed Committees Procedural By-law was updated to reflect Heritage Act changes stemming from Ontario’s Bill 23.
  • Staff was directed to move forward with traffic calming measures for the Burkholder neighbourhood which do not include new or adjusted roadways.
  • Council doubled Staff recommendations for expanding the speed hump pilot project, approving up to two speed hump sites per ward instead of just one.
  • A Memorandum of Understanding between the Town and Region was approved which continues Animal Services enforcement of on-leash rules in Regional Forest tracts.
  • Council received a report on Stouffville’s Preliminary Growth Management Strategy, which Bullet Point News will cover further next week.
  • Staff have been asked to investigate secondary suite licensing and oversight following owner concerns over license renewal requirements.