Trustees of the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) held elections earlier this week and have named Elizabeth Crowe, Trustee for Aurora, King, and Whitchurch-Stouffville, Chair of the Board.
First elected as a YCDSB Trustee in 1994, Crowe, who has previously served as the Board’s Chair, brings 29 years of experience to the role. She also spent nine years as a Director on the board of the Ontario Catholic School Trustees Association.
In her years as a YCDSB Trustee, Crowe has been vocal about the challenges faced by the board. These include declining enrolment, consequences stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, cuts to special education programs, and a range of budgetary challenges.
“I am committed to keeping our collective focus on our Multi-Year Strategic Plan, and addressing the board deficit without impacting student achievement,” Chair Crowe stated in a recent press release.
“Despite being one of the top performing boards in the province, we acknowledge that we need to address systemic barriers at the school and classroom level,” she added. “As a board, we will engage in these important conversations and approve a Board Equity Plan.”
Recently, Crowe has been actively involved in overseeing the development of YCDSB’s new Multi-Use Facility on Ninth Line, which is set to open early next year. It will include two new schools, Blessed Chiara Bandano CES and St. Katharine Drexel CHS, French Immersion programming, and childcare settings.
“My commitment to you is to provide safe, inclusive schools where students grow in their faith and develop their God-given talents,” Crowe states on her website. “I am always available…to answer questions, provide advice or direction, and most importantly to advocate for those whose concerns have not been heard. I am committed to ensuring that the schools in my community are treated fairly and that parents, students, and staff have a voice.”