Last May, York Region established rules only permitting off-leash dogs in the Davis Drive Forest tract.
The 12 other Regional Forest tracts within Stouffville’s boundaries now require dogs be on-leash.
A concluding pilot project saw enforcement conducted by Stouffville’s Animal Services officers with all costs covered by the Region.
Roughly 48 man-hours are assigned to Forest tract patrols per month, or one to two shifts per week.
“Hours spent on these Forest Tract patrols do not detract from conventional Animal Services duties elsewhere,” Town Staff told Bullet Point News. “[They] are in addition to the Town’s Animal Services schedule.”
The pilot proved successful in month-over-month reductions of off-leash dogs where not allowed, and a decline in related incidents followed.
“Residents have reported being thankful that one tracts remains available [for off-leash dog walking],” the Staff report noted. “They can walk their dog…without being harassed by other residents who do not wish to see dogs off-leash.”
Staff are recommending Council endorse a formal, ongoing agreement with the Region to continue this program at their meeting on Wednesday.
*Map sourced from Attachment 1 of Staff report CAO-003-23